You are surrounded by generous people at Victoria Alliance Church.  When you contribute financially to our faith community you are supporting our work to make Jesus known to others in the same way Jesus has been made known to you. 

The following giving methods are available:

  • Online giving via Credit Card now active with Nucleus Give (click green circle on bottom right hand corner of every page of our website).  You may choose to give one time, or on a recurring schedule.  You are in control of your giving through your own account. 
  • E-Transfer: email, which is set up for automatic deposit as a security measure. This means no password is needed. You may use the notes section in your online banking to designate your gift accordingly. All undesignated funds will be applied to the General Fund. 
  • Cheque:** You are welcome to drop off a cheque donation before or after a Sunday service by depositing it in one of two white deposit boxes at both exits of the sanctuary. An all-hours locked mailbox is also available at the back main doors. 
  • If you have any questions about other methods of donation, please email the office.

**If you are not  attending in person but wish to donate via cheque, you are welcome to mail a cheque to the church (1792 Townley St, Victoria BC, V8R 3A7). In the absence of a giving envelope, please include a note indicating how you would like your gift designated between the following: General Fund, Barnabas Fund, Global Advance Fund, Operation Christmas Child, Esquimalt Community Youth, and Camp Imadene. Any gifts received without a note will be applied to the General Fund.