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As a church community we are on a journey to understand what the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation means to us, and how Jesus calls us to participate in it. 

Truth-telling and Reconciliation are strong scriptural values that guide us in loving our neighbours well and caring for the created world. Jesus shows us that when it comes to loving our neighbours, showing up, sitting down, and sharing a meal is a good way to start. Here are some ways we can show up and be thoughtful in participating in this national observance this year: 

  • The South Island Powwow begins at 10am and will be running all day with food, vendors, dance, and other celebrations of Indigenous culture. This is a great opportunity to support local Indigenous artists and businesses and learn about our local nations and their traditions. All are welcome, this is a family friendly event. 
  • Read the 94 Calls to Action. Here is a link to a youth-friendly version of the Calls to Action to share with your family, and here is a link to a blog post by Pastor Bekah on the Calls to Action specifically for churches
  • Listen to stories from Indigenous people. Here's one place to start: Howard Jolly, the Director of Indigenous Alliance Churches of Canada, has a YouTube channel called "Piwitapamin (Come sit with me)" where he invites anyone to sit and hear his story, and the stories of others. 
  • Participate in Victoria Native Friendship Center's Community Learning Program - this program, piloted by Pastor Bekah, is an amazing way to learn how we can walk side by side with our Indigenous neighbours. Completing this program is a requirement for volunteering at VNFC. To be connected to this program, submit the form on this webpage or email Pastor Bekah with any questions. 
  • Take a walk on the land around your home. Pause to wonder how long ago the trees were planted, and by whom. Breathe in the air deeply. Download a Plant ID app and learn the names of the plants you walk by every day - are they native plants? Or have they been brought from somewhere else? Pause to ask God to show you what walking on the land with care and love could look like for you in this season. 

When it comes to Truth and Reconciliation with our Indigenous neighbours, we're not going to always get it right. We might say the wrong thing, struggle to unlearn certain ideas, or accidentally offend. Let us hold tightly to Jesus as he shows us the way with mercy, justice, and humility; and let us just try, for in trying instead of standing still we might just move in the right direction.