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Marcello Sequeira is our volunteer Worship Director, and has a heart that stirs with a passion for Christ Jesus.  This is the first installment in a new blogpost series where we are inviting our worship leaders to introduce new songs to us, with their thoughts and commentary for our consideration.  We are excited to hear these strains flow in and out of our worship times together!

About the song:

The featured song for this entry is Stir a Passion by Worship Central. I chose this song because I feel that it simply and effectively illustrates the heart desires of a true worshipper.

"Stir a passion in my heart God, let it overflow, let it overflow."

"Let it rise, let it rise, Holy fire burn inside"

Today's Musing:

I love our Church Mission Statement:"Our desire is to glorify God by becoming a Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered church, making Jesus known - among us, around us, beyond us."

I believe that it outlines a clear and concise goal for the church body to follow, to which we continually strive to achieve. 

I am particularly drawn to the initial statement " glorify God." This speaks to the core of where I believe the heart of the worship ministry should reside. Moreover, I believe that this, first and foremost, is where the heart of you and me, as individual worshippers, should be centred. 

“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” John 4:24 NIV

If we are to glorify God, through becoming a "Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered church," should we not first be Christ-centered and Spirit-empowered individuals? Should we not be so rooted in Christ that our personal relationship and our personal worship so informs our lives that we can't contain the Spirit within us? That the overflowing Holy Spirit is plainly evident to those we come into contact with? That the passion and desire to follow Christ as our personal Saviour is infectious? Is this not how we can worship "in Spirit and in truth?"

Maybe I'm getting out of my depth. Perhaps I'm getting a little excited. I know that my relationship with Jesus is a constant work-in-progress, and so it should be. However, I have no doubt that God is moving constantly, He is real, He is worth getting excited over! He is so worthy of glory. Of that, I have no doubt.

In His love,

Marcello Sequeira