Have you ever got up on the wrong side of the bed? It is an expression we use to describe the kind of day that just isn't going well. It is the experience of knowing that what could be simply isn't going to be today because everything has been flipped on its side. As much as a day can take a turn for the worse, we also can have the experience of having a day turned around for the better.
1) New sight. Spending time daily in the Bible is an opportunity for God to show me the way He sees. The way He sees me, my family, my work, my day. Daily Bible reading helps me to soak in the wisdom, grace, and leadership of Jesus. The one who restored sight to the blind, is changing my view as I trust in Him, and turning my day around.
2) Good Food. We are made to be in constant communion with God, just as we are made to crave food at regular intervals during the day. “It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God’s mouth.” (Matt 4:4 The Message). Yummy fresh bread is a beautiful meal - but better still is a daily portion in the Word of God. The minutes between now and my next meal are turned around as I take pleasure in my portion being found in the message of Jesus.
3) A New Name. We pick up labels everyday it seems. No matter what name the world may thrust upon us, the name God wants resonating in our hearts daily is that we are His beloved. Beloved. Beloved. Beloved. As I connect my life to the Bible through daily reading, I also connect myself to the name God calls you and me throughout His story.
4) Redefined success. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matt 6:21 (NIV). We pursue what we love. As I spend time daily in the Bible, my heart is shaped to love what the Father in heaven loves. My life is being turned around from pursuing what I love to pursuing what God loves. Success is redefined as ascribing glory to God, for He is becoming my heart's desire.
5) A Deeper life. "Faster. Higher. Stronger." These three words are the hallmarks of the Olympic games. While the athletic community esteems these qualities with medals of gold and silver, the word of God helps to remind me that I belong to a spiritual community. As such, my soul esteems to go deeper, closer, purer. Deeper into the love of God. Closer to the heart of God. Purer in my pursuit of Him who pursues me.
6) Upside down & inside out. The Kingdom of God is at odds with earthly kingdoms. In God's Kingdom, the law is love, the first are last, and the poor in spirit are inheriting it all. As I daily read the scriptures, I receive a clearer vision of the Kingdom for which I was made to dwell, and while it may be averse to the ways of this world, it is where my citizenship is assured. As I spend my days on earth I need my days turned around and reminded of the Kingdom life I was really made to live.
Today you have affirmed that the Lord will be your God and that you will walk in his ways.
Deut 26:17 CEB