Please find below the transcript of an announcement given to our congregation on March 26, 2017, by our Board Chair, Russell Bell.
Good Morning Church
As your chair, I stand before you today together with members of the Church Leadership Team to bring you very good news. Over the past few months we, as a board have been taking steps to address the fast-approaching retirement of Pastor Harold, and its implications for our church family.
We observed the work that was being done within our existing pastoral team.
The board heard and listened to your thoughts of how you as a congregation believed our church should grow and be grown.
The board worked with the district office to address what we were seeing, what we were hearing, and how we believed our church should take its next steps.
With all this in mind, we as a board have made the decision not to conduct an external search for our pastoral leadership.
The board did not come to this decision lightly, but we did come to it unanimously. It became evident to the board that we already had what we were looking for in our midst.
Therefore, it is the decision, and it is the pleasure, of the board to announce to you that, effective April 1 st , our new pastoral team will be comprised as follows:
Serving as our new Lead Pastor will be Pastor Rob Olsen.
Promoted to a new role as our Senior Associate Pastor will be Pastor Kyla Ward.
Together, Pastor Rob and Pastor Kyla will form the pastoral leadership team for Victoria Alliance Church. The board believes that partnering these two dynamic, passionate, and complimentary pastors in leadership is the best choice for this faith family as we move forward. The board fully supports and welcomes our new team, as we trust you will also.
We see this appointment as another significant step toward faithfully living out our call to become a Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered church, making Jesus known.
Please join me in congratulating our new pastoral team.